The Victim Archetype

The Victim Archetype
The Victim Archetype

Apr 03 2023 | 00:15:36

Episode 14 April 03, 2023 00:15:36

Hosted By

Nancy Cooper

Show Notes

Today's episode we talk about how the Victim Archetype shows up and how to move out of that energy.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello and welcome. This is Nancy Cooper with the Tonight Show. Today we're talking about the victim archetype. The victim archetype is definitely one that can be very challenging to shed. This becomes quite an identity that we hold onto. It can be, um, one of those more, like, much more subconscious, much familiar, more covert, um, archetypes. It's not as obvious to us when it shows up in our reality because it is so covert. So this is where we have to really start stepping up and looking and taking that inventory of our life and saying, you know, where are areas in my life that I'm still showing up as a victim? Is that with our money? Is that with our relationships? Is that with our living situation, our, uh, family life? Like, what, where am I still showing up in the mentality of being a victim? This is not an easy thing to uncover or to do. Speaker 0 00:01:14 It usually takes, uh, having a good like coach or a good close friend or a partner who is able to really see these behaviors and call us out on them. This can also be challenging, especially if we're not in a space or a mental space of being ready to move through that energy and heal it and confront it. Um, that's, that would <laugh> that would create a lot of issues, to be honest in, um, any type of relationship. So we have to make sure that, you know, we are in a space where we're open to this feedback, where we're open to the truth and the knowledge of what we're doing to self sabotage what we're doing to push away things that we want to have, what we're doing to not have the things that we want, right? So one of the ways that we could kind of look into and tap into the awareness of whether or not we're carrying around a victim archetype is for us to really just take a moment. I'm just gonna invite you as you're listening to this, just close your eyes for a moment. If you're driving while you're listening to this, obviously keep them open. Um, but just take a deep breath, kind of try to clear your mind a little bit, and I'm going to invite you to look at an area of your life that is not looking the way that you want it to look. So this could be finances, career, relationship, family health, whatever, whatever area of life that kind of pops up, or might be multiple ones. Speaker 0 00:03:10 And then we're going to ask ourselves the tough question of how in this space am I showing up as a victim? Um, okay, so we need to be honest with ourself. We need to look into this and say, you know, am I showing up with courage? Am I showing up with deliberate action in this place? Am I showing up, owning the role that I want to be in, in this? Or am I playing it small? Am I holding back? Am I hoping that something's gonna come in and save me? This is the difference, okay? That projected energy of save me, rescue me, versus I want this, I'm gonna figure out how to get it. This is a very, very different energy. And so if we're finding ourself in a place with, you know, our home situation or financial situation, whatever it is, and we're, we're looking and hoping that one day we're gonna catch a break, right? Speaker 0 00:04:23 One day things will get better. I will tell you that immediately that is a victim archetype because we're waiting for someone else or something else to rescue us, right? We're waiting for something else outside of ourself to make the situation better. And this is aligning with the idea that we are a victim and we cannot do it ourself. Now, the victim archetype gets implanted in us, um, during childhood or early adolescence, early adulthood. This is gonna come from, a lot of times it's gonna be connected with a mother's wound. So if we had a mother who was, um, who rejected us a lot, who did not accept us, there's going to be this, um, heightened connection with the victim archetype. There's gonna be this heightened bond <laugh> with that archetypal energy. And the way that we need to start moving through that again, is we have to really just make a conscious choice. You know, and this is where it can be very, very hard. Um, it really can be very hard because we're so used to playing the role of victim that the other feels very, very foreign to us. So we want to have the things that we want. We want to experience that life. We want to live that life, but there's a part of us that is so conditioned to the old ways that we don't know how to let go of that and move forward. Speaker 0 00:06:11 So again, we have to look at this from the standpoint of, in this area that I'm stuck and not willing or allowing myself to move forward. What is it about being a victim that aligns with me? So we have to do that introspective work. We have to look into that and say, you know what? Part of me feels right about this. What part of me feels like this is a yes and continues to align with this energy? What part of me is feeling safer in this space than in having and experiencing all the dreams, desires, and experiences that, that we actually really want to have? The victim archetype is something that most people carry around. This is a very, very, very common one. And it is plaguing us. It is a major pandemic across women and men and any other alignment with any other, um, unique energetic expression. It is plaguing us because it is so, so sneaky. It is so covert that we really struggle to identify it and to see it. So I will invite you, if you do have someone in your life who is calling you on it, um, that is a true friend, that is not someone who is trying to be mean or trying to harm you. That is someone who loves you and wants to see you step up into your birthright, into your truth, into your fullest energy. Speaker 0 00:08:11 Your role in this is to make that conscious decision of, am I going to continue to stay in this old energy or am I going to make a decision to shift? And I know that that seems so basic, but it's probably gonna be one of the hardest things that you do. It is going to be challenging because the program is so deeply ingrained. It is so deeply inside your dna, in your mind, in every aspect of your body. It's, it's there. It is there, and it is real, and it is brutal, and it is destructive. So we have to Speaker 1 00:08:54 Make that conscious decision of saying no more, having to look at our circumstances, look at the areas of our life where things are not working out the way that we want them to, and we have to start stepping up and taking action. We have to start taking that deliberate action. This is the only way to pivot out of the victim archetype. This is the only way to disempower the victim archetype. Yes. Could I do activations? Can we do some healings? Can we do this kind of stuff? Absolutely. And that will help. It will help to go back and find where the, the program originated, where this came from. Sure, absolutely. But at the end of the day, it comes down to choice. It comes down to our free will. State of, am I going to continue to align with victim or am I going to become a champion? Speaker 1 00:10:01 Am I going to win? Am I going to start stepping into my power and owning it and being in this energy? This is a decision that we have to make every day. And when we've been a victim for so long, that can feel very daunting. It can feel very challenging. We don't have the motivation. We, we feel like it's too big. And so this is where we have to push. We have to push through that. Otherwise nothing will change. There's, um, an amazing book by, um, Joe, I forget his name, Dispenza, whatever. How do you, however you say that, I'm literally looking it up right now. Um, Dispenza, uh, called Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. And he talks about how we are a culmination of our vi vibration and our beliefs. So it's like they both have to align with the outcome that we want. Speaker 1 00:11:06 They both have to align. So it's not just changing the beliefs, but it's actually changing our physical vibration and getting that on board. So this is why I created the magnetic af um, formula, because we have to go in and we have to reprogram. We have to go in and we have to start sitting in gratitude. And being in this energetic space of the old no longer serves me. I need to focus my energy forward on what I want, and I need to make sure that it stays there instead of continuing to drift back into the old. When we realize how powerful our thoughts and beliefs are and how they affect our vibration, we have got to start taking that initiative, that power over those beliefs, over those thoughts, and start using them to create what we want instead of allowing them to run rampant in the background, to continue to spit out the same old reality that we are tired of being in and experiencing. Speaker 1 00:12:23 So this is the invitation to you. It is not a, oh, just get over it and start, you know, doing more. I completely understand the level of complexity that is behind stepping through the victim archetype and moving out of that energy. It is very hard. It is, uh, I'm, I'm not going to downplay the severity of it, but we live in a reality where we have free will. And even by just making the decision, even by making the choice of saying, I'm stepping through this. I'm stepping out of this energy. I'm going to move into a different energy. I'm gonna start looking at, maybe it's finances. I'm gonna start looking at my finances. I'm not gonna keep ignoring my bank account. I'm not gonna keep, you know, pretending like it just doesn't exist. I'm gonna start looking at it. I'm gonna start making a budget. Speaker 1 00:13:24 I'm gonna start creating a plan to pay off my debt. I'm gonna start creating a plan to generate more wealth and generate more of this so that I can have what I want. I'm gonna generate a plan to improve my credit so that I can eventually be able to buy the car or house that I want. I'm going to create something. I'm going to start putting it into practice instead of just sitting, hoping, waiting that something's going to get better. If we find that we're in that energy, again, this is, we're playing victim archetype. We're, we're just sitting there being, I'm the victim. Here I am, the victim archetype can only start to disappear and become disempowered by us taking action steps. It is the only way. It is the only way. Again, yes, if you need support, help, I'm here. But in the reality of it, it, this is your work. Speaker 1 00:14:23 This is only work that you can do. And it has to come from a space of making the decision that we're just not gonna be in a space anymore. We're just not doing it anymore. It's like having to have one of those major wake up calls where it's like, Nope, I'm good. Like, enough is enough. We're done with this. This is not working for me. It's not serving me no more. And begin taking action steps towards what you want. The magnetic AF formula will be linked with this. It's a free download. You're gonna get five emails over a period of five days. I'm gonna take you through a step-by-step process of beginning to clear out the old energy and learning how to do a projection meditation that is going to help rewire your brain on how to align with your new desired outcome. Okay? So if you wanna grab that, it is free and the link is going to be in the description. Thank you so much for listening. Joining me today, and I will talk to you soon. Namaste.

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