How Solar Flares Aid Ascension

How Solar Flares Aid Ascension
How Solar Flares Aid Ascension

Jan 16 2023 | 00:20:00

Episode 7 January 16, 2023 00:20:00

Hosted By

Nancy Cooper

Show Notes

In todays episode I break down what solar flares are and how they affect us physically and spiritually. 

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to The Tonight Show with Nancy Cooper. Today, we are going to be talking about the solar flares that came in last week that affected people very, very strongly. What that means, why they come in. All, all of that. I've had lots of people ask lots of questions, so I wanted to go over that and cover that and talk about how that works. So first and foremost, let's go ahead and address the reality that solar flares are a scientific phenomenon. They happen in nature. It would be like, you know, any other storm or a volcano or a hurricane. You know, this is a natural thing that occurs. So it's not some like Lulu made up something. Okay? So solar storms happen on the sun, and they send off these bursts of energy that come to the planet and hit the planet and affect different things. Speaker 0 00:01:06 So when we track the solar flares, you can do that on several different websites. Um, when you track track those, you will see when there are massive spikes, when there are not, and you can kind of see what's going on with that. Keeping informed with solar flares is just as important as keeping informed for those who align with the natal energy of their needle chart of the cosmos, the planetary positions, all of that kind of stuff. It's important to keep track of this as well, because it all impacts us. So when we think about electrical signals, the sun throws off energy, right? Let's think about it this way. We have solar panels. This has become a really popular thing. Solar energy, solar panels are out there, they collect the energy and they transform it into usable energy for electricity, right? So that, that's kind of the basic science of that. Speaker 0 00:02:09 I'm definitely not a scientist, nor am I an expert on solar power at all, but I think the majority of the quote unquote average Joe person, we can, you know, understand those panels are collecting the solar energy and then it converts it into usable energy for electricity. Okay? So thinking about that, when we have a higher burst of solar energy, those machines or those panels, they're gonna bring in more energy probably when the sun's brighter, like during the summer than when it is during the winter, right? We see this, the batteries have to be charged more during the winter when the sun is lower. It doesn't need it as much during the summer when the sun is high and bright and, you know, Speaker 1 00:02:58 Know up for longer periods of time. This is, again, it's like common basic <laugh>, you know, like, not super complicated, right? So thinking about it with our bodies, there's a reason why when, uh, the human heart fails, it's shocked, right? We've all watched, you know, these TV series where they have these, you know, medical shows and it's one of the things we all know it clear, right? And so they shock the body and knowing that if you get shocked with that thing, it'll stop your heart if it is currently working, and it's dangerous, right? If you get an electrical shock, it can stop the heart because the heart has electrical signals running in it. So we're already aware that the sun creates energy for us that is usable for electricity. So, and we know that our heart has electrical signals in it, right? So it's not this far stretch to come to this understanding that when we have higher intensity of this solar energy coming to the planet, yes, it does affect our electronics. Speaker 1 00:04:09 And since our heart is also running on electrical signals, it will affect us and our body as well. All right? So people will feel this, this was a big thing that was happening last week. There was people feeling dizzy, people feeling really tired, people feeling more emotional, people feeling, um, more vulnerable, threatened, um, more weepy. And again, emotional kind of like, they're like, why do I feel like I'm PMSing when I'm not PMSing? Like, what's happening with this? It's because the heart is getting hit with this energy. We get this supercharged energy. Um, and now I'll go into the wooooo side of it, okay? So we're at least gonna say from that kind of blanketed science perspective, like of course it's electrical signals coming in. If the sun is turned into electricity and our heart utilizes electricity to get shocked back to life, like we will feel when there are solar flares coming in, we will feel it in our body. Speaker 1 00:05:18 Absolutely. Okay, so now let's go into the woowoo side of this. When <laugh>, when those solar flares come in, they are bringing with them light codes. And so we've got this, we always have light codes coming in from the sun, always. They're always coming in. But when we get these higher bursts of light codes, those usually contain activations. We watch this along with a human resonance, and it'll be very interesting to find when we have these solar flares, then the humanum resonance usually spikes as well, because the earth is responding. And so we're in this electromagnetic field of energy that is completely engulfing our bodies, right? Because the earth has her own electromagnetic field. So the sun comes in, it hits that electromagnetic field. We are a part of the earth, and it affects us. It affects us. It feels, it feels weird, it feels different. Speaker 1 00:06:21 The purpose of this is to send high velocity codes and activations through those solar flares so that that high intense energy comes through. It flares up and it hits us, and it's activating. Now, here's where it gets tricky. When we get these activations, we're getting DNA upgrades, okay? So the DNA is getting upgraded. It is getting activated. We are having new programs being released within that dna. Our DNA is the physical blueprint reversal. So when we have that physical interaction with the physical plane from the sun and the electromagnetic field from the earth affecting and connecting with these DNA codes and upgrades, we then start feeling it on a soul level. We start feeling the sadness. We start feeling emotional unrest. A lot of times we'll feel what we assume is anxiety, when a lot of times it's not anxiety, it's the soul communicating with us, telling us what you're doing right now does not suit us. Speaker 1 00:07:34 And it's making me uncomfortable. It's kind of like when I ride horses, when, you know, if I'm too tight in the mouth, I'm holding onto the bit too hard, or when I'm not allowing the horse to carry me and I'm sitting too heavy or not heavy enough on her, she's going to respond, right? She's gonna let me know by acting weird. She'll get kind of grumpy, she'll put her ears back, and she won't wanna give me a trot. You know, she won't wanna move. So this is her giving me feedback that something I'm doing is not feeling good to her. So this sensation of this increased anxiety coming into our bodies from these solar flares, from this heightened energy, this is the soul communicating with us, saying, Hey, you're getting a DNA upgrade and you're hearing me more. Now, what you're doing is not what we want. Speaker 1 00:08:30 This is not in alignment. This is not feeling good to us. Okay? This is really important for us to start realizing and recognizing that it's not necessarily that we're feeling afraid of something. It could be because we're not saying what we need. It could be because we're not speaking our truth. It could be because we're staying in a relationship that doesn't suit us anymore. It could be that we're, et cetera, et cetera. So until we've really gone in and taken a hard look at that and say, okay, why am I feeling this? Like, what, what is this telling me? Like, am I in fear right now? Am I afraid? Am I holding on too tight? Am I in this space of, you know, needing to embrace detachment? Because here's the reality, suffering comes from attachment. And so we're feeling a suffering in our body. This anxiety, it's because we're, we're clinging to something too hard. Speaker 1 00:09:28 We are too attached to it. This is why the power of a detachment is so profoundly essential and important, because when we have mastered the art of detachment, we will never feel anxiety in our body again. Because the anxiety is the suffering that is created from unhealthy attachment, attachment to an outcome, attachment to a person, attachment to a belief, attachment to a thought. It's, it's an attachment that it doesn't serve us. So the soul communicates us saying, Hey, hey, like, we're activating here and you are not hearing us. We're trying to get your attention to say what you're doing right now is not serving your highest, it's not serving your sole path. I'm trying to get your attention to let you know it's time to pivot. It's time to speak your truth. It's time to change your job. It's time to go back to school. Speaker 1 00:10:28 It's time to dump that boyfriend. It's time to, you know, put yourself back out there to date. It's time, you know, whatever it is. It's, it's a communication. So we're going to get more of these communications when these codes come in, because they are activating us. They are activating the dna, and they're calling us into the next level. It's a level up, right? So think about it. If a new code is coming in, we need to make room for it and clear the old out. So there's where this communication comes into play, where it's saying, Hey, it's time for an upgrade. Hey, it's time to call this new reality in that you're wanting. And what you're doing right here is not gonna serve this timeline. It's not gonna serve this outcome. So you need to be prepared to be detached from it. You need to be prepared to release it and let it go so that you can step into this newness that is coming. Speaker 1 00:11:25 So we'll have these feelings when these solar flares come in, we have this, the dizziness, the feeling. It's almost like we feel hungover. Uh, we'll wake up feeling kind of hungover, uh, without the, the fun the night before, right? Um, for those that still partake in alcohol consumption. But it's, it's a similar sensation where it's like the room kind of feels a little spiny. Your body feels kind of dehydrated, kind of funny, like feeling very floaty, detached. And this will also cause us some feelings of anxiety. We feel emotional. Um, our relationships can struggle because we feel less secure. We have more of a, hold on with our attachment when we're feeling insecure, right? We're feeling vulnerable, we're feeling scared, we're feeling detached, ungrounded. This is all very common. This is all very normal. The heart palpitations. Again, it's electric cuz signals, signals coming into the heart, right? Speaker 1 00:12:26 It's gonna create palpitations. We're gonna feel that. And so that can then also make us feel anxiety. So there's so much invitation in these moments to tune in and start asking like, what am I really feeling? What is really coming up here? What is really happening here for me now? Because everything's happening for us, right? It's not happening to us, it's happening for us. It's a communication. It's contact saying, Hey, we're trying to communicate with you. Listen, tune in, ask, lean in. We're teaching you, you're learning. We hear what you want. We know what you want. We feel your heart's desires, and we're asking you to hear us too, because we want you to have these things. We want you to experience that expansion. When we step into the fullest and we can master detachment, and we can remove ourself from the cycle of suffering, from being so clinging and clingy to those things that you know, there, uh, nothing lasts forever, right? Speaker 1 00:13:30 Nothing will, we will all die. Everyone will die from this reality, from this lifetime, and we'll come back. So anything that we're clinging to, it's, it will automatically create suffering if we're trying to clinging to a relationship or a partner that will create suffering, because there's no way, you never know what could happen to that person. You never know what could happen in that relationship. And by clinging and being fixated and, and hooked in that way, that that will create a lot of suffering by clinging to physical items or belief systems or whatever. This is, this is suffering that clinging and attachment equal suffering. And this is not to say like, oh, just don't give a shit about anything. No one is saying that. So please don't interpret it that way because that's not the message here. It's a message of allowing oneself to trust and to be in the flow of what we're living in, what we're experiencing here right now. Speaker 1 00:14:37 This is, this is it. It's not about the destination. You know, we go, um, I've done this. Uh, I, I try to open and be vulnerable and share, but I've done this even with dating where I'll, I'll think to myself, if I have a, an experience that is challenging for me, I think, well, maybe I'm just not ready to date. And then I have to remind myself that the only way to get ready to do that is to continue to go through the process, right? Because when we think of any type of destination as like, well, that's it. Once you reach that destination, you die, right? Because if we're not continuing to grow, then we're dying. So we have to keep this in mind that everything is the journey. It's not that we're, we have to heal everything and be perfect before we can do this. Speaker 1 00:15:34 The healing journey will never end. It will never end. It won't end in this lifetime. It won't end in the next one. We're gonna continue to go through that entire process until eventually we level up into ascended master realm. And then there's more expansion there. There's more expansion with having to help trying to communicate with the humans and try, you know, like it's ever-evolving, expansion and growth. It never ends. So if we go into something looking at it like, oh, well I have to do this before I can do this. We are suffocating ourselves slowly, slowly suffocating ourselves because we're not allowing the growth and expansion to happen. We're not allowing these codes that are coming in to fulfill what they're designed for to help us grow and expand and step into the next level. So this idea that, oh, well, I have to have it all figured out. Speaker 1 00:16:34 I have to be perfectly healed before I can date, or I have to have this, I have to have that. The thing is, the goal with any type of co-creation is to find another person who is able to facilitate a healthy environment for your own healing and for you to do the same. So it's not a thing of going into, and I'm using this as an example, we can look at this with money, with everything, with jobs, with having kids, with all of it, but I'm using this as an example because this is something that I live in and I, I'm working through and healing. And so, you know, the idea going into this being perfect, no one will ever reach that. But we have to go into it in a space of, I recognize areas that are asking for expansion, and I'm willing to lean into those with another partner, with another person so that I can continue to grow and expand those and heal them. This is the goal. So finding another partner who also recognizes I'm an imperfect, being here, having a physical experience as the extension Speaker 2 00:17:49 Of the divine, and I too would like to co-create with another person in the work and with the intent of expansion and growth and stepping into a higher version of myself. That's the dream. That's, that's everything. To be able to step into that energy with another soul, with another person who is also awakened to this reality. So the acceptance of the fact that it's never ending, it's always going to be a process. It's always going to be a journey. And we can't look at it in a way of, oh, well, you know, I have to, I have to get here before I can get there. I have to do this before I'm worthy of that. No, the, these, these codes that are coming in, they're asking us to listen and release all of those kinds of beliefs, all of that, all of that stuff, we have to let go of it. Speaker 2 00:18:51 Okay? So you're gonna find yourself as you're coming kind of down off of that emotional roller coaster from last week. Then now you're kind of seeing the dust settle and you're starting to look around and say, oh gosh, okay, I see, I see what that activated in me. I see what that activated in that person. I see what that activated in my business or in my work, or in my boss or in my who, you know, whoever I, I'm seeing this, I'm starting to recognize this. And now we're the dust is settling and I have a higher perspective. I have more information now. I have deeper knowledge, and I'm leaning into what this is teaching me. This is, this is the best we can do. This is the most we can ask of ourselves, is to lean into that. Lean in and look around at what these codes activated within us that needed to come up for healing and purging and removal. It's all for us to teach us, and I'm excited for you to be on that journey. Thank you so much. I will talk to you all next week. Namaste.

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