Victim Archetype

Victim Archetype
Victim Archetype

Jan 09 2023 | 00:19:28

Episode 6 January 09, 2023 00:19:28

Hosted By

Nancy Cooper

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to The Delight Show with Nancy Cooper. Today's episode is brought to you by The Alchemy Alliance. This is a monthly mentorship program designed to help you call in your highest and greatest self. This includes one-to-one office hours with me weekly, other courses and classes. It's filled with amazing, amazing, amazing content for those who are interested in getting started on their spiritual journey. All right. If you want more information on that, you can use the link, um, that'll be found with this podcast recording. Okay, so let's dive in. Today, I wanted to talk about archetypes. So there's a few different archetypes, um, and a few different ways that archetypes are used. Okay. So when I created the Witches Wound Workshop, I was guided to the Wounded Witch archetypes, and there were, um, six archetypes for the wounded witch. Meaning, how does my witches wound present itself when I am in fear or when I am in a space of feeling threatened? Speaker 0 00:01:26 So this is how the archetype, um, came to being and, and how it, uh, teaches us. It shows us, because the archetype in that setting allows us to understand where our wounding originated from, how it originated. Uh, it's also going to give us clarity on what our magic type is. It's going to give us so much clarity on our power center, what our ruling chakra is, all of this different information, and it's all thanks to the way that we behave when we're afraid. Okay? So we learn our archetype, and then we're able to go off of that and learn so much about our magical selves based off of the archetypal information. Now, I'm not gonna go into a ton of stuff with the wounded witch archetypes today, because that's not what this podcast is going to be about. But if you would like to take the witches Wound Archetype quiz, I will also link that here as well. What I wanna talk about today is more of a traditional archetype that women, um, when we fall into this, uh, feeling of victimization, that we align with the archetype of the victim. Okay? So obviously Speaker 1 00:02:59 Men and women can go into this archetypal energy. The role of victim, though, is a wounded feminine energy. So just because it's wounded feminine energy does not mean that men cannot also go into that energy, but, um, they, they'll experience it slightly differently. But it is a wounded feminine energy. So we have to remember that we can't get caught up in these constructs of men and women only have masculine or feminine energy. We have the duality within us of both masculine and feminine energies. Every human being on this planet has this, this is one of the reasons why we incarnate in different genders and different unique expressions, because we need the contrast for the expansion. All souls are going to be asexual, right? This is why the angels, uh, are asexual, but we construct them in a way that aligns gender, but they, they don't have one. Speaker 1 00:04:09 They are genderless, just like our souls are. Genderless gender is a construct that we have created in this plane. Um, creating labels with that and trying to, um, kind of create like a quantifiable way of how we physically express our blueprint of our identity and our attraction. It's a very interesting concept to me. But again, not going into that, that that's for a whole nother day. So it doesn't matter how we physically express ourselves as a human, what our gender is, or what gender we align with, we're all going to have masculine and feminine within us. So understanding this, we understand too that for example, victim would be a wounded feminine, and then, um, perpetrator would be a wounded masculine energy. So, going into the concept of victim, I wanna talk about this cuz it's really, really important. It has a lot to do with what we talked about last week with the radical accountability. Speaker 1 00:05:27 So when we go into a space of being a victim, we are aligning with the concept that we have no control, that we are not, uh, unique magical beings who are capable of manifesting and creating a reality. The archetype of victim says, I have no control. I have no ability to manifest or create anything, and I'm at the mercy of everyone else. So when we step into the victim role, we are immediately surrendering accountability. And it is a massive surrender of power. Though, again, going back to that radical accountability idea, as women, we have this profound gift of being so deeply connected with the divine as portals for new souls to come through into this physical plane that we have this strong connection, this strong, um, I'm trying to piece together what I'm kind of seeing right now, but we have this a strong bond. Speaker 1 00:06:47 We have a strong connection with the divine. And when we understand and recognize that we are physical extensions of the divine, and we are utilized in such a beautiful and profound way through our womb space to be able to convert a soul into a human being, we take that soul and it is able to come through us, through that portal into the human form that is growing and developing within our, our womb space. And then that human is born and put into the world, right? So we have this very deep, profound connection, and through that connection, we still tend to feel victimized. It's a very, uh, fascinating concept when we come into this space of true awakening and starting to see through all of the, the false paradigms and, and the patriots, um, programs and all of this type of energy. And we begin to see how profoundly magical and powerful we are as women. Speaker 1 00:08:10 The victim archetype is one that is projected onto women through oppression. So it is something that we actually adopt and we stand in agreement with. This is not a, a reality. This is not, uh, our true expression. It is something that we have to align with and stand in agreement with after it has been projected onto us. So when we think about our truth and our being, this is very, very different than projected concepts that we have to adopt and create as our own beliefs and align with them. Okay? So when we go into an energetic space of recognizing and understanding that we are a sovereign being, that is an extension of the divine, would we ever consider the divine to be a victim? Because the divine is everything, right? When we come into this energy of recognition that yes, I am Nancy Cooper, I that's who I am, but I'm also a starving child in Ghana. Speaker 1 00:09:37 I am also someone who has perpetrated sexual violence against another woman, um, or against a woman as a unhealed man. Or I'm also, you know, at the snake who is eating the frog against the the river. I'm also the shark who's eating the fish. I'm also the fish who's being eaten. You know, when we grasp this concept of understanding that we are everything, we are the perpetrator and we are also the victim, this means that we are simply part of the experience. We're part of the existence here in this plane. And is the fish who gets eaten a victim of the shark or is the fish food to the shark? You know, it's how we decide to construct this. It's how we decide to look at this. It's how we decide to see it in our mind. It's what we choose to adapt into our belief system, right? Speaker 1 00:10:52 So we need to understand this concept that we are also not only ourselves, but we are all of these other, uh, people, animals, beings. We are part of them as well. We are part of this collective physical experience that is co-creating with itself. It's like a tree making more branches so that it can have more fruit to then have more to fertilize itself with, right? And so it can continue to grow more and to grow more and to grow more. It's a, it's a beautiful, profound experience as a human when we're in this plane, understanding that yes, even the tree, you know, would deposit fruit on the ground, one that isn't taken up and eaten by the squirrels and the people on the birds and that fruit will go down into the roots and help to fertilize that tree to grow more or the pollen and all of the beautiful ways that our bees help and, uh, plants grow. Speaker 1 00:12:07 It's just a phenomenal, fascinating concept when we understand I'm that tree. Also, this is why I don't wanna hurt the tree because I am also that tree. That tree also shelters me. I'm also creating shelter for other animals as the tree, right? So we are all of these things. We are part of this entire collective cosmos of experience here in this plane, but we identify as the one body that we live inside. And this is again, understanding that we aren't that body, right? We are our soul and we are limited to our experience in this individual physical form. But that does not mean that all of the other physical forms that are having experiences in this 3D reality are not us because they are, we're all together one in the same as extensions of the divine source energy of the universe. Speaker 1 00:13:24 So this idea that we could be a victim to ourself, we are a victim of the divine to the divine. When we start to piece this and, and look at this from a more logical, expansive position, we understand that the victim when we align with this, is simply a role in this collective co-creation. And it does not necessarily mean that it is a bad thing or a good thing. It simply means that that's the role that is being either chosen for us when we are too young to be able to choose a role for ourselves, or that we continue to choose as we get older and become adults. This is where we have this opportunity for full growth and expansion by understanding that there really isn't a way to be a victim in the, the construct. As much as I personally, yes, I have been victimized, I have been the victim of domestic violence and sexual assault, but now as an awakened being, I no longer align with the concept of a victim. I aligned with the reality of that was an experience that I had. Speaker 1 00:15:00 And it wasn't because someone that the universe wanted to hurt me or harm me or punish me or do anything. It was simply a role that I played with someone else. And they played out that role with me as well. But I now understand that as a sovereign human being, I have the ability to align with a different energy. There's an example that I I'll share before we wrap this up, where someone was talking to me about their work environment. They, they're a woman and they work with mostly men in a very male dominated field. And she was talking to me saying that she was so, she, she felt so oppressed, she was being oppressed, um, in her work environment. And I invited her to lean into that and, and to say something slightly different. Instead of aligning with the energy of being a victim of oppression in her work environment, I asked her to begin to witness the, the oppression instead of becoming it. Speaker 1 00:16:19 So if, if this is confusing, cuz she asked the same question, she's like, what do you mean? And they said, by aligning with the oppression, you are a victim. You're becoming the victim, right? Because you're being oppressed. But if you choose not to align with that energy and simply witness it as wow, this man is projecting oppression, but choosing to say, but I'm not oppressed because I'm a free sovereign being who does not receive oppression. I'm not oppressed, but I'm witnessing it in this moment. I can see someone asserting the energy of oppression, but that's not who I am. I'm not oppressed because I don't oppress myself. So it's a different dynamic of witnessing these things versus saying that's who I am because we are sovereign, sacred, divine beings. But yes, can we be in an energy where we've had to witness someone perpetrate and, and victimize maybe us or someone else. Speaker 1 00:17:41 But because we witnessed it does not mean that that's who we are. It's not our identity. And once we can stop aligning with that identity, we will stop calling in other experiences in our reality that also place us as a victim. I hope that I was able to express this in a truly loving way to help the collective understand this from a heart-centered space. Never at any time is there any condemnation from me or my heart or as a vessel of translating and transmitting this information. So if at any point during this recording that you felt that I want to first say that there was no intent of that, and I want to invite you to maybe re-listen to this. And when you find a place when you're listening that activates this, take it as the opportunity to lean in and say, what part of me is aligning with this that it doesn't feel good? Do I need to clear this or have I not fully come into alignment with it where I need to clear a false belief that prevents me from doing so? It's all an opportunity for your growth and for your healing and for you to step into the fullest and most expansive version of yourself that you can become in this lifetime. And I honor you in that journey and I will always do so lovingly, thank you so much for listening and I look forward to talking to you next week. <unk>.

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