Why Your Manifesting Isn’t Working

Why Your Manifesting Isn’t Working
Why Your Manifesting Isn’t Working

Mar 13 2023 | 00:10:27

Episode 12 March 13, 2023 00:10:27

Hosted By

Nancy Cooper

Show Notes

Why your want for your desire

- is actually pushing it away.

Access Magnetic AF Formula at bio.sites/nancycooper

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:01 Hello and welcome. This is Nancy Cooper with the Delight Show. Today I wanted to talk to you about why your manifesting is not working. <laugh>, this is such a big thing to, um, kind of unpack. It's something that I'm very passionate about because there's so much information out there around manifesting that is just, um, a bunch of hooey, um, <laugh>. So let's kind of like cut to the chase with this. Um, I see this a lot, and this is not me bashing or hating on other coaches in the industry. I think that people do the best that they can with information that they have. Um, and let's be real, not everyone is, uh, an open divine channel. Not everyone has created that connection. Um, so what happens is coaches learn skills, strategies, techniques, Speaker 1 00:00:54 Um, from Speaker 0 00:00:54 Their coach, and then they regurgitate them, right? And that's what they work with their clients. And to a degree that gets people results. Um, and that's fine. You know, that that's okay and that works. But one of the biggest problems I've seen with people in the industry specifically focusing on manifestation, is the fact that they do not get to the root cause of why we're struggling to manifest in the first place. So this is <laugh>. This is why I get very passionate about it, because here's the thing, we can get really, really good at our vibration. We can, but Speaker 1 00:01:36 This is not, honestly, it's not very hard to do. This is why people teach these techniques, because they're not hard techniques and they're not hard to do. Um, once you learn the techniques, once you learn that kind of process, yes, you're gonna manifest stuff. But here's the big elephant in the room that no one is talking about, Speaker 0 00:01:57 Which is the Speaker 1 00:01:58 Fact that you're not going to keep or maintain your manifestation, okay? Like this is just the reality. If we don't change our program associated with having this thing in our life, once it comes in, yes, we might have temporarily said, okay, cool. I've got my vibration here to call this thing in. It's gonna happen for me. Awesome, great. And yes, it does. It comes in, it happens. And then within a few weeks, a few months, it's gone. Why? Why does this happen? Have you experienced this before? I know I have. And this is where a lot of frustration comes from. People are like, manifesting doesn't work. And then the coach is like, well, you manifested it, right? It came in, didn't it? So it worked. Um, it's up to you to keep it right. And so it's like, uh, it's not that simple. What we have to do is we have to start at the, why is this not already present in my life? Speaker 1 00:02:57 What is it that I'm holding onto that is more aligned with my old self, with my old pattern, with my current energies than with this new? Because I want the new thing, but there's a part of me that clearly wants the current and old thing more because that's why I'm experiencing it, <laugh>. Okay? So we have to start getting very, very clear on what is actually going on with our vibration. What program is going on in the background and our subconscious mind that is blocking this new thing from coming in. What part of our program is more aligned with our current experience? Even though it's not what we want, it's not what we're hoping for, it's not what makes us happy, but there's a part of us that's still connected with it because it's familiar. All right? So we've got this vibration that's kind of hanging out there that is blocking the manifestation. Speaker 1 00:04:01 And then what happens is that that still is there, right? It's still there. It's not going anywhere until we actually clear it and get rid of it. So here's the old strategy. I'm gonna say it's the patriarchal way because it's a lot of men who are teaching this strategy, and then women who have had masculine coaches who then start teaching the same strategy. So we go in and we just look at, okay, what is, what do you want? What do you want? All right, well, I want, um, to manifest a $30,000 month in my business. Okay, cool. So here's what you're gonna do, right? We have the strategy of, you know, setting the goal of that. I'm doing some programming in the body for a $30,000 month, et cetera, et cetera. And, you know, we get it, it happens, it happens in about three months, and it's there. Speaker 1 00:04:59 And we're like, oh my gosh, I finally manifested this. And then what happens the next month? Our business is abysmal <laugh>. They, they we're like, oh my God, I can't, like, I can't make any money this month to save my life. Like I can't even, I can't get a client, I can't sell anymore programs. Like what's happening with this? And all of a sudden that $30,000 that we brought in is like gone. And we're like, what the hell? Like what happened? I thought I had got this. I manifested it, I called it in. And now within, you know, six weeks, it's, it's gone. Everything's, everything's disappeared. It's gone away. Why is because our reality went back to match the original program and the equilibrium that was there. So it's like we can temporary hold this vibration and then we manifest this thing. But as long as the old program is still there, we're going to go back to equilibrium. Speaker 1 00:05:57 Our experience is gonna go back to what it was. You have seen this before. I know every single person who comes across this and listens to this, you're gonna be like, yep, yep, yep. You've seen it, you've done it, you've experienced it. And the reason is again, is because that old program still exists. And until that program is cleared and reprogrammed, this is what your manifesting experience is going to be. So you can go with the best strategies, you can do it. You can call these things in, you can call in your dream partner, you can call in your dream job, you can call in your dream house. But baby, if you don't have that vibration cleared out to where it is a perfect vibrational match for that thing and will stay that because the old program is gone, you will not keep that thing in your reality and you're gonna be worse off than you were before. Speaker 1 00:06:53 It's just like when we hear people win the lottery, right? And then they end up broke and in debt and worse off than they were before. Why? It wasn't the money that was the problem. It was their vibration. It was their energy around money. That's the problem. So they just brought that energy in to the money that they had and they ended up returning themselves right back to where they had been before. This is why, you know, this is a whole different thing. We're not gonna talk about the plagues of the world and the problems of the world, but this is why just giving money to people who need money, it doesn't help them <laugh> because they don't know there's no new program associated with money. It's not gonna help them. They're just gonna return back to baseline just like we do with our manifesting. So we have to go in and clear this out. Speaker 1 00:07:42 We have to go in and reprogram the original program that's in place that is causing our current reality. Until that's done. Go ahead, keep manifesting stuff and then it's just gonna go back. It's just gonna go back. It's just gonna go back. So what's the solution? I created my magnetic af. I will say that. Cause I don't know all the platforms that I'm gonna put this on and I don't think it's gonna like the potty language, but magnetic af um, formula that is going to show you how to get to the root of the blockage and not only get to the root of it, get very clear on what it is, reprogram it, then reprogram your body to the new vibration, and then start with an insanely powerful manifesting practice. The first step though is to find out where that blockage is and how to clear it out to get out of the way to make room for the new reality. Speaker 1 00:08:44 To not only come in but to stay. I'm going to link you to this process. You will be able to to access it immediately. Um, I've set this up, it's kinda like a mini-course, but it's just emailed to you. I made it really simple. So you get it and you're gonna get an email and it's gonna give you your, your action step day one's task. What do I need to do to start clearing out this garbage so that I can move into this higher vibration that will align with the higher timeline that I want to experience. So it's going to take you through, it's a five day process. So there's five steps to go through, okay? And once you have gone through each of those steps leading up on day five, you're gonna receive the manifesting practice. But I'm gonna tell you, please don't jump ahead, don't cheat, just be like, eh, I'll just wait until day five and just get that practice and then move on. Speaker 1 00:09:48 No baby, don't do that. Don't do that. You need to do <laugh> the process. Go from day one to day two to day three to day four and then start. Because if you're not clearing it out, uh, I'm not doing you any service at all by just giving you that ritual, that process. Okay? So you need to go through and clear out the old, and I'm going to walk you through it and I'm gonna teach you how to do it. Okay? So grab it, you can access it immediately. And happy manifesting. I will talk to you soon. Thank you so much. And namaste.

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