Why we need to look at “blockages” differently

Why we need to look at “blockages” differently
Why we need to look at “blockages” differently

Feb 06 2023 | 00:14:39

Episode 10 February 06, 2023 00:14:39

Hosted By

Nancy Cooper

Show Notes

In today's episode we look at the concept of energetic "blockages" and understanding their root cause and how to truly clear them. 

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to The Delight Show with Nancy Cooper. Today I want to talk to you about why we need to change the way we look at energy blocks. So we hear this a lot. You know, I've got some kind of block in this area, I've got a block here. And the reason that we say this is cuz we know that at some point, and in some way, we have resistance there. So this is, this is kind of like the new dialogue that I want to encourage us to start using. Yes, I will continue to still say blockages, but I want to make sure that we're understanding what that means, like what that is. So when we feel in a certain area of our life that we have what we consider a blockage, again, what we're really referring to is there's something in our programming that is not in integrity with our desired result. Speaker 0 00:01:07 Okay? So there's not some type of outside force that is blocking us from receiving or experiencing the thing that we want. I wanna make sure that we're really clear on that. This is the big important thing that we're just kind of diving right into today, is we really, really wanna make sure that we're not using the idea of energetic blockages as this alignment with the idea that there is something that is preventing us from experiencing what it is we're wanting to experience. Everything in our reality exists with our permission. So if there is, you know, people go into this concept of, well, maybe there's a curse on me, maybe it's karma, maybe it's, you know, a, a spell someone has put on me this kind of stuff. We have to really make sure that we understand that nothing can exist in our reality without our permission, without our alignment with the belief that it exists and that it is affecting us in this way. Speaker 0 00:02:33 Okay? This is very, very important. It reminds me, I don't know who has watched the movie The Skeleton Key. They, they go over this. So the woman, you know, she works down in New Orleans and they have, you know, this, these beliefs. And in order to get her to, um, you know, participate or be a part of the spell, they have to get her to believe in the magic first because otherwise it won't work on her. And so that's like the whole movie is trying to get her to believe in it. Cuz when she came there, she's like, I don't believe this. And so they needed to get her to believe it in order for it to work. And so this is, it's a very, um, illuminating movie in the sense of when it comes to magic, when it comes to these different things, we have to believe that that is the case. Speaker 0 00:03:25 In order for it to be the case, our brain and our mind and our program are what determine our reality. So if someone's coming at us with something and we, we know and say, Nope, I don't believe that. It's just like with a trigger, right? Triggers only trigger us because it's something that we believe or agree with on some level. Just like if someone does or says something when they come to us and say, Hey, you hurt my feelings, and they say, why? It only bothers us when we know that what we're being accused of is, is true, right? So it's the same thing with any belief that we hold. And when it comes to blockages, we need to really be very mindful of this, that we're not giving away our power to some other energy or entity that we are creating simply by believing that it exists. Speaker 0 00:04:27 Okay? I hope that this is making sense. This is how thought forms are created. It's, we create, people will create what they call ghosts or demons or other types of energies and entities simply because they believe that they exist and then they then manifest it into their reality and make they, it's um, it's like a psychosomatic thing. So this is where my psychology background comes into place where it's, um, it's like mass hysteria kind of thing, like collective sicknesses. Um, same thing that happened in Salem with a Salem witch child. It was a mass hysteria. You know, one person believes this or catches onto this, and then suddenly everyone else, or when it comes to illness, one person is sick, but then everyone, because they're in a tight-knit community or environment, now suddenly everyone else has the same symptoms and they're, they, they're expressing as being sick when they aren't because they're getting caught up in this idea that this is their reality. Speaker 0 00:05:35 So our bodies are very fascinating with how they can manifest. Um, it's that psychosomatic concept of, um, being, you know, really paranoid and will manifest symptoms. If we learn a medication has certain symptoms, you know, we'll manifest those because we believe that we should, right? <laugh>, we, we say, oh, okay, this is a symptom. So now, oh, I swear my, my skin is itchy. Like, is it itchy? Am I getting a rash? Right? So we go into this space, but when it comes to the alignment with the idea of energetic blockages, it's no different. It's no different. So let's make sure that we're really, really clear when we refer to blockages, what we mean by this is that there is something in my program that is not an integrity with my goals, dreams and desires. So say we have a quote unquote blockage. Blockage when it comes to money, okay? Speaker 0 00:06:40 What this really means is somewhere in our money program, we are not standing in integrity with abundance, okay? So we need to clear this by doing a reprogramming, not doing, you know, and I see this, and it, it's frustrating because people will, will say, you know, I I'm gonna do this for you. I'm gonna clear this for you. I'm gonna do this and that. And the reality is they can't, they can't do that because the truth of the matter is the blockage is in your program. There's nothing that someone else can do to remove this for you. They have, the only way that they can do that is, for example, when I host free workshops, I go in and I help with removing blockages because we do a reprogramming. I take some, I take people through this process of completely reprogramming these beliefs and these attachments so that they can start clearing that and start getting more movement in their body towards the goal that they want more awareness towards how they are preventing and blocking it through their beliefs. Speaker 0 00:08:01 This is a very, very, it's, it's something I'm very passionate about, unfortunately, and I don't even know if it's, you know, I don't like using the word fraud. I don't know if it's people trying to be fraudulent or if they've just been taught, um, with old energy, old beliefs. Um, we are really in an energetic place now where we are fully in control. We are in charge, we are sovereign. So it's important for us to take that power back and start standing in that power and start aligning with the energy of, okay, I'm not getting the result that I want. So where is it within my beliefs? Where is it within my program that is not aligning Speaker 1 00:08:55 With the outcome that I desire? Because this is, it's really that simple. It's a very simple concept, but it's, it's not easy, right? <laugh>, there's a big difference between something being simple and something being easy. It's simple. It's a simple concept, but it's not an easy concept. This is why it takes working with others in order to discover what's really in there. Because unfortunately these blockages are subconscious, okay? So there's certain things that we can do for ourselves as energy healers, as individuals, as women, healers, what have you. We can definitely go in and help to start clear out a lot of stuff. We can help to do that for ourselves. But unfortunately, we're gonna find that sometimes we need help. We need outside assistance because when we have something that is deeply subconscious, we have a blind spot for it. So even as much as we try to dig in and address it and to understand it and identify it, we aren't going to be able to find it because we have a complete blind spot. Speaker 1 00:10:13 Because it's so deeply subconsciously rooted that we can't, we just can't get there on our own. We need someone else to help us, to help us dig in and to find what this attachment is, what this program is, and how we can start releasing it once we become conscious of it, this is when we can start doing our own energy healing. This is when we can start doing the quantum energy healing on ourselves. This is when we can start doing the self reiki and the light language and rituals and all that kind of stuff. But until we find it, until we become aware and conscious of it and where it came from and how it's holding onto us, we can do all of those things as much as we want to. But we're not, we're not gonna get it cleared. It's not gonna happen. So this is an invitation for you. If you're noticing that you have something that's really stuck, okay to one, start accepting that it's not, it's not there to hurt you. It's not there as a punishment. It's not there, you know, because someone has power over you or some other entity has power over you, it's there because you believe it. It's there because there's a part of you that's standing in agreement with that and therefore it's making it impossible for you to stand in integrity with a different belief. If you're having Speaker 2 00:11:52 Trouble finding the actual root cause. If you're having trouble digging in and discovering this on your own, this is where I recommend having someone else do the energy healings. Having someone else do your readings, having another person who can go in there without any attachment to it. They're going in there looking at it from a very different perspective, helping you to find where it is that you've been hiding this from yourself. Okay, so let's just kind of wrap this up with the reminder that blockages are not created by outside forces. They're not something, um, that we could <laugh> kind of say is physical. It's not a physical thing. It's an energetic manifestation in that way. It's not a tangible thing to, to look at it that way. What it is, it is the result of a belief that is not an integrity with your desire. And that belief is preventing you from being able to experience or manifest something different into your life. Speaker 2 00:13:11 Okay? So find yourself someone who can help. I can help, but you know, who knows? Maybe you're not aligned with me. Maybe that just doesn't resonate. Uh, maybe you can't afford it, I don't know. But try to find someone else who you feel connected to, who you feel aligned with, who can help you identify what's really underneath all of it. And then you can start coming up with the plan. Then you can start working with a coach again. That's, this is what I do. I help people uncover it and then we heal it together. But maybe you can't afford a coach. Maybe you don't wanna have a coach and you just need someone to help you reveal the blockage and you wanna do the healing work on yourself, that school, do that. But until you actually get down to the bottom of it and learn what's actually there in your beliefs and in your programming that's creating this quote unquote blockage, you're gonna be running around like a dog, Chas, in its tail, repeating the same cycles over and over again and wondering why nothing's changing. Okay? So dig into it, sit with it, lean into it. Finally, really do the work to say, okay, something is here and I need someone else to help me cuz I haven't been able to find it on my own. Okay, thank you so much for listening. I look forward to talking to you all next week. Namaste.

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